

  • Lekue Dressing Shaker 200ml

    Lekue Dressing Shaker 200ml

    Enhance your culinary creations with the Lekue Dressing Shaker! Designed for both novice cooks and seasoned chefs, this dressing shaker simplifies the process of creating and serving a variety of dressings. Equipped with a unique emulsifying ball, this...

  • Manzanillo Olives stuffed with Lemon

    Manzanillo Olives stuffed with Lemon

    Sweet lemon delight but do not overwhelm the savory flavor of these meaty, firm Manzanillo olives. Our partner selects and cures only the finest quality, handpicked, early harvest olives from the south and south-east of Spain.  Their family...

  • Mini Raw Honey 3oz

    Mini Raw Honey 3oz

    It’s the popular raw honey, just in a smaller, even cuter jar! It’s perfect as a gift or to place on your next charcuterie board. All of Two Hives liquid gold is harvested from neighborhoods all within 20 miles of downtown Austin and hand jarred by our...

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  • Mirogallo Artichokes in EVOO

    Mirogallo Artichokes in EVOO

    Producer: Masseria Mirogallo Region: Basilicata Surprisingly al dente and crunchy to the bite. The artichokes are peeled by hand to the core, then simply blanched in acidulated salted water and left to marinate in extra virgin olive oil. The bitter...

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  • Olive Tomato Sauce - Large

    Olive Tomato Sauce - Large

    Producer: Rustichella d'Abruzzo Region: Abruzzo Made with black olives. These smaller jars of sauce from Rustichella d'Abruzzo contain the perfect amount of sauce needed to dress a package of 500 gr (1.1 lb) Rustichella d'Abruzzo pasta as the Italians...

  • Orange Stuffed Olive

    Orange Stuffed Olive

    Our partner selects and cures only the finest quality, handpicked, early harvest olives from the south and south-east of Spain.  Their family recipe for low salt brines coupled with triple wash and soak methods results in olives that are not only lower...

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  • Pesto Genovese

    Pesto Genovese

    The perfect blend of olive oil, cashews, pine nuts, and basil from Liguria, this pesto embodies the full flavor of Italy. Add this pesto to pasta, pizza, sandwiches, scrambled eggs, or spread atop goat cheese on a crostini to create a fancy appetizer...

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  • Pitted Queen "La Abuela" Olives

    Pitted Queen "La Abuela" Olives

    Our partner selects and cures only the finest quality, handpicked, early harvest olives from the south and south-east of Spain.  Their family recipe for low salt brines coupled with triple wash and soak methods results in olives that are not...

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